« A unique open access to a pan-European distributed facility with the ERIC legal status »more
Strategic access and improved standards in sample definition at Large Scale Facilities »more
Common metrology and a widespread platform for atomic precision manufacturing »more
Data Repository for making nanoscience outcome promptly available to society »more
« An
open access distributed facility with the legal status of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (
ERIC), made up of 3 to 6 centers characterized by specific scientific embedding and local synergies with nearby Large Scale Facilities (LSFs) but providing a
unique access portal so as to be an integrated laboratory environment for the development of advanced nanoscience with atomic precision fabrication and metrology.
« Maximum
exploitation of Large Scale Facilities (LSFs) by nano-oriented scientific communities by (a) providing a strategic access for Fine Analysis to a wider community of users and (b)
raising the standards in sample preparation, definition and characterization for the most advanced fine analysis tools including nanobeams and ultra short pulses of X-ray and UV as well as neutron pulses.
« A
common metrology and a
widespread technological platform for advanced nanofabrication, synthesis and characterization of nanostructures, available to all scientific and technological communities so as to (a) provide a push forward in the challenge of
atomic precision manufacturing and (b) shift the scientific competition towards ideas and intellectual skills rather than among different technological and financial capabilities of research groups around Europe.
« The first
Nanoscience Repository of molecular data for functional and complex materials and protocols for synthesis and metrology of nanostructured systems so as to make the results of nanoscience centers more directly suitable for specific applications developed by technology districts as well as for next generation products manufactured by industries and SMEs. Full exploitation of
emerging e-infrastructures to achieve high impact and capillarity in
making nanoscience outcome promptly available to society.